Thursday, March 26, 2009

You were the last good thing I ever saw

Life is good.

I'll say that I've been enjoying my days a lot more than I had been lately, for obvious reasons. Today is the day before spring break starts for my school, which means that there's the inevitable threat of fights and a lockdown, which means I'M NOT GOING. Oh, I am such a badass. Not. Anyways. Got no plans really for the next week or so, other than spending a lot of time with Ashley and visiting Elliot in the hospital, post-surgery. Temperature is supposed to rise mega-high though, which means opportunities for swimming and such will arise. Maybe go to the beach? Who the fuck knows.

Looking forward to a few things after the break though - There's the Blackbox anniversary, which will probably be fun even though the Box kinda SUCKS now. Also at BB in the upcoming weeks is the Mischief Brew show, which I'm totally pissing myself over, because I've wanted to see Mischief Brew forever. Although I'm not quite a fan of the opening bands, who don't really fit the bill, but that seems to be how shows work around here, I guess. Oh, and of course MDC, although I was never a HUGE fan, it's still gonna be awesome. And then, of course, Against Me! in G-ville April 11th. Since it's an 18 and up show, my dad will be attending with me so I can get it, which is both awesome as fuck and ridiculously funny at the same time. He won't enjoy it, but i do love my dad and am glad he'll get to experience something I enjoy with me.

Nothing much else, I gotta poop.


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