Monday, April 27, 2009

Passing Days...

I've spent the past three or so days writing my days down in a notebook. I've decided to transfer some of it here, side notes and all.

April 25th.

11:34 AM.
Went to some guy's garage sale this morning and scored three pairs of shoes and a nice shirt. All brand new! I guess this guy works for Vans and has a ton of their inventory. I must have just saved at least 100 bucks. Sweet. Now I'm home, it's Saturday, I'm cleaning the house, and I'm miserable. I'm missing someone.

1:28 PM.
I feel like this is all we ever do here.

5:05 PM.
I finally have my own room again. Save for this stupid mirror on my bed. I look forward to tonight - more backyard camping, with friends. First though, dinner to meet Ashley's family. I hope there's vegan food.

You'll be drunk enough for me to know who you are soon.

Why I love Chris.

April 26.

I feel great.


April 27th.

2:00 PM.
Today's been bad. There's not much more of a way to put it. From waking up to an angry mother to not having coffee in the morning, from the stress of needing a job to overdressing for the hot weather. That being said, it is a beautiful day. I've managed to find some things to smile about, from seeing Ashley in the morning to laughing at my own joke in English class - writing my name as "LaQueefa Johnson" for everyone to verbalize about. I am easily entertained. Inside though, I'm feeling a little bit less positive, but it'll pass. I've already for the rest of the day tentatively planned out, for the most part. I feel gross - I want a shower. Not dirty, which is never an issue really. I just feel gross. As if I did something terribly disgusting and want to wash away the remnants. But I didn't. I felt a bit creative today, so I drew a picture with Morgan (F) of some fantasy creatures like unicorns and narwhals. Whether or not narwhals actually exist. I've got a few tests returned in sveral classes today, all of which were failed, to say the least. I've got a test in History class tomorrow, on 50's pop-culture - Kerouac, Beatniks, Chuck Berry. It should be a piece of cake. Vegan cake. Vegan cheesecake. Mmmm...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16th, 2009. 9:24 AM

I hate Thursdays. I guess as a teenager I hate almost every day by default, but Thursdays have always stood out as a particularly bad day of the week. But bad days are the best days for pen and paper, so I take the opportunity to let my thoughts flow and the events of the past few days resurface in my current state of mind. Everything's been going good, for the most part. Made it up to Gainesville for the Against Me! show on the 11th after some uncertainty during the past week. I've made it clear before how much I love them, so I won't ramble about how great they are, but the show was a lot of fun. Only three songs off of New Wave, thankfully, and a bunch of old - and unexpected favorites (i.e. Reiventing Axl Rose, The Disco Before The Breakdown). Most surprising though, were the brand new songs they played, all of which were really good. Two even included a fiddle! The songs harkened back to Cowboy-era Against Me! and even at times Reinventing Axl Rose, but also introduced a welcome new sound. The setlist was, roughly, as follows:

Rapid Decomp (new)
Cliche Guevara
Don't Lose Touch
New Wave
LeHigh Acres (new)
I Still Love You Julie
Mutiny On The Electronic Bay
Bob Dylan Dream # 1235 (new)
Hot Shots (new)
Reinventing Axl Rose
Rice And Bread
Borne On The FM Waves
The Disco Before The Breakdown
Sink, Florida, Sink
I Was A Teenage Anarchist (new)
Pints Of Guiness Make You Strong
Walking Is Still Honest

I may be forgetting one or two, but the night made me stoked for the new album, as I hadn't been before with expectations of another New Wave. Also met a few cool people - namely this guy named Brandon, who was one of the most posi people I had ever met in my life.

After the show was over, we drove back to my dad's house in Eustis - myself, Ashley, Cy, and my dad (driving). It was one of those times I was really thankful for my dad but also really wished I had my own car and/or license. Independence is always nice. We got home around midnight but all but my dad didn't go to sleep until almost 4 AM. I guess the excitement hadn't worn off yet.

I spent Easter with Ashley not doing much but sleeping off the exhaustion from the previous day, until she went home that night. My mom also seems to be fully recovered from last week's events, and it's good to have her home again.

I've recently realized my lack of a creative outlet. This blog is hardly creative as much as it is an outlet. I can't draw anymore, and I never finish any songs that i write. It's not that I'm not feeling inspired, it's just that currently I can't find a place to put any inspiration to use. I'm also rarely ever upset anymore, and I'm always smiling at everything. Things that would have bothered me a year ago no longer even phase me. I've stopped caring about petty "problems" and past events. I am, simply put, taking life as it comes and enjoying it. I can't, and for that matter, don't think anyone should, let the negatives of the world affect everyday life. For example, I'm still vegan, still straight edge, but whether or not anyone else is or isn't is hardly my business. Accepting everyone as who they are is ley. Unless they legitimately suck.

On another note, I need a job. So much stuff that I'd like right now but can't obtain because of monetary value. Shit sucks. Even without money though, I've made a short list of things I'd like to do in the near future:

- Return to Gainesville, for at least a day.
- Return to St. Pete.
- Go to Rock Springs.
- Go to Deland.
- Start a band, finally.

Mostly, I just want destinations. I liek going places, but who doesn't? Not really saying I hate it here, but getting out is always nice.

Let's go.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

By the way.

Gainesville was relatively dope as hell.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


The past two days have been long and exhausting. I woke up at 4:30 yesterday morning to my mom having terrible abdominal pain, so I drove her to the hospital and stayed there for hours on end until Ashley and I left to go eat. Haven't gone to school for the past two days, and I feel like I'm inevitably going to fail but really don't care because I know I won't. With my mom in the hospital, I'm not sure of the fate of this weekend's trip to Gainesville that I had been looking forward to so much, or even the MDC show on Sunday. I'm shit broke. I need coffee. I feel like I'm half dead. I can't even complete sentences when I talk. I'm really thankful for Ashley though, who's been with me the past 48 hours more or less, ever since she came to wait with me in the hospital waiting room (terrible place, by the way) at around 6:00 yesterday morning. Her mom was also kind enough to let me stay at their house last night, as opposed to staying here while my mom is in hospital care. She just left and I'm feeling pretty bummed about it, but I have to go to school in the morning and she's got work, and that's just how things work I suppose. I love you.

Pre-this two day whirlwind, the week had been going rather smoothly. Saw Mischief Brew (above) on Monday and despite a small turnout, the opening bands, and a short set, I had a really great time. Tomorrow I may or may not be attending Riverboat Gamblers with Fake Problems at the Social, depending on my funds and my mom, of course. Once again, like any Friday night though, will be a joyous venture with Elliot to get "sushi" downtown now that he's basically recovered from surgery.

Until then though, I need sleep.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I don't title mine.

I was going to write something but after this long day, I no longer feel motivated to do so.

Love, Dylan

Monday, April 6, 2009

After all,

the nomads are settling down.

Saw Mischief Brew tonight, finally.

Had a really great time, but fucking Idols End played way too long, even longer than Mischief Brew.

Not cool.