Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ain't I Cool?

It's 10:31 pm. I've got Asheru (one of few hip-hop artists I appreciate) turned down low and I'm reading Camus, wondering if I'll ever get to the end of this book or if I'll just let it sit on my shelf and start something new, which I also won't finish. I've got wet, unwashed hair as a result of a quick shower, and I've got a flannel shirt with sleeves rolled up keeping me warmer than I need to be.

I am quite comfortable for the time being.

Today was pretty good. I spent some time looking for work, which didn't quite succeed, as I expected, although Panera said they'd possibly give me a call. I don't really care either way, too much. I spent most of my day with Ashley at her house, sleeping, eating, chatting, and whatever else. It was relaxing, and I'm finally starting to feel a bit better than I have been since last week. I'm feeling a bit more secure and I can maybe stop worrying, I hope. Maybe I won't. Who knows. Either way, I'm happy, and I'm in love, so petty problems don't bother me too much. I've always been one to kind of let things roll off my back.

Went to see Forfeit with Chris the other night, and had a pretty good time. I hadn't been out to a show in a while, and I can say I enjoyed myself although I'm not too familiar with a lot of the "hardcore" crowd besides the few kids I hang out with. Tomorrow I may go to see Republicorpse and whoever else is playing Wills, but I'm shit broke, so only if I can magically get some cash. Also, I'm thoroughly stoked for Trash Talk next week. Yes, I gave in and spent fifteen bucks on a ticket, but I just can't wait to see those guys again, especially since I give more of a shit about them now back than when I first saw them.

Anyhow, life is good. The only things that could make it better would be for a certain someone to drop off the face of the planet and for coffee to provide the once-great kick it used to. It's just not cuttin it anymore. Uh-oh...

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