Sunday, June 28, 2009

I love

The Loving Hut.

Even if I am convinced that there may be human in their food.

Goddamn, I cannot go in there and not smile.

It's been a good weekend. Friday I once again did not go to Critical Mass but Ashley and I went to Stardust afterward and met up with Brad, Fish, Hazen, and James, and then proceeded to get food at the titular restaurant. We also went to Barnes and Noble and were followed around my a creepy security guard who tried to hide his lurking by browsing the sex books. We loitered around outside a bit and then decided to part ways.

Saturday night Ashley, Hazen, Jackson, Chris and his new girlfriend Megan came to my dad's house. That was nice also. My dad has been very hospitable lately, and I really appreciate it. He cooked 4 different meals to accomodate to everyone. I feel the need to repay him, so tomorrow I'll be going to work at his studio with him.

Anyhow. I'm working on reading Battle Royale, by Koushun Takami. Some people out there may know that this book was turned into a controversial movie of the same name in Japan. While I think the movie was overrated, I am enjoying the book so far. I've actually enjoyed reading a lot lately, so if anyone has any recommendations send them my way.

Now I'm tired and I'm not sure what I'm saying.


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