Monday, July 6, 2009


Does anybody like Mondays?

I didn't think so.

I feel the need for new stuff lately. New bands, new books, new movies. Stuff I haven't heard/read/seen before. I started downloading a bunch of music to listen to this morning but the downloads got cancelled so I just gave up. I'll probably go back and try again later. It was a random assortments of artists - Sigh, Girl Talk. Fall Of Efrafa, Mamie Minch, Gallhammer, etc. My eyes hurt. I can't hear out of my left ear. I'm pretty sure it's going deaf. Shit.

Gimme something good to watch.

1 comment:

TeenWolfxVx said...

"Sounds like you got a case of the Mondays"- Office Space

Listen to Shook Ones and watch Cash Cab.