Saturday, August 1, 2009


I woke up this morning at five o'clock.
My mom was sitting on the edge of my bed talking to me like she always does on mornings when she wakes me up way too early.
The first thing I remember saying was "Go away."
She told me she was going away for the weekend. My brother was going to an anime convention. I had an empty house all to myself.
And I'm sick.
I remember thinking that I have no life because I knew I wouldn't do anything with my empty house. No one would visit me. Ashley was sick. My bike had flats and someone stole my pump months ago.
I went back to sleep.
I woke up alone this time.
I had a terrible headache.
I went to the kitchen and made coffee and thought about how if I was still in 9th grade I would have gone through my mom's alcohol and drank enough just to make me type funny and fall back asleep.
But I'm even more boring now.
I drank two cups of coffee and called my dad. I wanted something to do.
He let me drive his van around and we decided to make an appointment to finally get my license next week. While I was signing up for the appointment I decided that I was a terrible person for driving. Now I have an appointment on the tenth at ten-thirty.

I saw my cousin today. She told me I looked nice. I saw my cousin's girlfriend. She told me I looked nice. We all talked about food and my cousin gave me a cookie and I told her I loved her and she said I was a freak. I realized that my shoes matched my shirt and I felt strange. Then I left my cousin's apartment and Dad and I drove to his house in Eustis.

We ate at a Chinese buffet in Apopka. The food was bad. It made me nauseous. I'm pretty sure the vegetable spring rolls had chicken in them but I'm not sure. It was a big place but there were only about ten people eating there. My dad asked the waitress "Do you ever get busy?" "Oh yeah, always busy." I've been there three or four times before. It's never been busy.

I was supposed to mow the lawn tonight but I don't feel well. Dad said he'd pay for it so I could have money to take the misses out to Disney on Wednesday but now I still only have about five dollars. I thought about mowing the lawn in the morning but then Dad mowed it himself. Now I'm sitting here thinking about Mickey Mouse and dollar bills.

I have a 99.5 degree temperature, and I'm reading a new book.
I have company visiting me tomorrow and I'm hoping I'll drop this fever by then.
I'm watching the clock waiting for the right time to take another Motrin.
I just want to take an ice bath and fall asleep.

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