Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My school is a prison.

Even more so than and school already was. Today a new fence system of sorts was finally implemented to keep track of kids while they eat their lunch - always being watched by administrators for "our safety". It's ridiculous. They wonder why the dropout rate is so high and my only guess is that it's just going to get higher as they force their new rules. If I hadn't mentioned it before, the Friday that my school (Edgewater High School) was released for Winter Break, there was 10+ fights throughout the day and at least four guns brought to school, initiating four hour lockdown. However, a call to parents from the school principal assured parents of a total of four fights and one box cutter brought - which is obviously a straight up lie. As well, the principal, who will remain unnamed for now, apparently reprimanded the teachers for letting students use their cell phones to call their parents to come pick them, despite the school's recently implemented "no electronics" policy. In my opinion, the first thing that should have been done by every student should have been to call their parents to make them aware of the situation, and I commend every teacher who supported that idea. But we basically have here is a school principal who is more concerned with his image as a public figure than the safety of students at his school. He is a warden, and the school is quickly becoming his prison. And I'm aware many high school students will complain about school, but I do actually see something very wrong here. I hope that someone is on the same page as me as far as this goes, because I have a year and a half left at this school and I don't want it to be miserable for me, or anybody. I hope there's something that can be done.

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