Monday, January 12, 2009

Paranoia Secured.

Today's dreary overcast had an effect on my mood and thinking for the most part. Usually I love weather like this, but today I couldn't help but be irritable and slightly grumpy, unlike usual. At school, however, I managed to stay as friendly as I usually try to be, despite the weather...and exams. However, when my dad picked me up, as he always does (even though I have no problem biking back from school, seeing as I bike there in the morning...), I came to realize a few things about my family, such as - none of us really pay attention to the other. Yes, my brother and I are probably a lot closer than my brother and my mom, or me and my dad, or vice versa, but the general matter is that for whatever reason we can't seem to function in conversation. My dad asks a lot of questions, all of which he probably already knows the answer to, and my brother and I always tell each other things that both parents pretend to take an interest in. It's both amusing and slightly depressing at the same time, and at times a bit bothersome. But whatever. I do appreciate any parent's interest (even if false) in their kid's life rather than condeming it. Aside from that, today just felt very sad in general. I can't really put my finger on it, but I think that something is getting to me. Or someone. Who knows. I'm really not the best at identifying my own problems. Whatever it is, I'll get over it soon enough.

In other news, as silly as this picture is, I appear to be able to defy the laws of gravity:


Currently downloading: Stormcrow - Enslaved In Darkness
Currently listening to: No Comment
Currently eating: Saltines
Currently wanting: A new bike.

1 comment:

nathan said...

those pants are awesome! where'd you get them?