Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year, I Guess
Just as well, I've enjoyed the past few days, the remaining days of the year at This Is For You Fest (as well as the even more fun pre-show). I met a lot of cool people and saw a lot of sweet bands. But it also made me ache to see shows like that all the time. I love going to shows and the venue being packed to the brim with barely enough room for a circle pit. It even got me thinking that more small bar shows should be booked, as much as Blackbox needs the money, sometimes I miss the feeling of the tiny packed Uncle Lou's shows. The pre-show at Hoops on Saturday night left me with a feeling of well-taken nostalgia.
No resolutions this year, and no one to be with except a couple of my closest friends. No special someone to share it with, and strangely enough I don't care too much. I don't drink, so I obviously won't be getting drunk.
But I will welcome 2009 with a smile, and if I could, a hug.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
So now I'm back home and blogging, wondering where all the time went and looking forward to a hopefully eventful day tomorrow. I have to do a bit of shopping, but not the same kind of shopping everyone else will be looking forward to tomorrow. Critical Mass is also tomorrow, and upon returning from that I'll be setting things up for the next few days of This Is For You Fest and such...which I'm really excited about. Chris, Nathan, Tyler, and probably others will be taking shelter in my house for a couple days. Anyone else who wants to hang out around a backyard fire and a tent whilst staying sober, feel free to...just let me know.
On that note - NO DRINKING/DRUGS/VIOLENCE at TIFY or ANYTIME at Blackbox. I don't know why kids can't seem to understand that. It's not worth getting the place shut down, seriously.
Okay. Whatever. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Monday, December 22, 2008
By the way -
Fighting over subcultural differences.
And homophobes.
And prejudice people in general.
In your fucking lungs.
Today is Monday, which means I'll be seeing them at TIFY in exactly one week - in hopes that TIFY actually happens. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Today has been rather uneventful, but enjoyable nonetheless. Spent the morning doing a rather small Food Not Bombs breakfast, with just Sebastian, Christina, Thomas and I attending the sharing. Afterward Thomas, Sebastian, Daniel, Abbey and I spent an hour or so indulging in Tijuana Flats unlimited chips and salsa. Yum.
Sad news - my best friend Meagan's dog of the past 10 years passed away today. I haven't lost a pet in a long time, and I'd really hate to lose my cat. I feel really bad for her, and I also miss her because I haven't seen her in almost a month.
Not much going on otherwise - but today officially starts my Winter Break. Let's hang out, please.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
As I talked about for days on end, I spend last Friday having a campout of sorts in my backyard. It went really well, attended by everyone pictured above. Much of the time was spent talking around the backyard fireplace my mom bought from a garage sale and eating delicious foods and snacks. We ended up burning 3 logs and couple phone books to keep the fire going until around 2:30 in the morning. The next day Elliot, Chris, Cy and I hung out for a while, ran a few errands for my mom, and I made some really tasty stuffed peppers. Everyone left around 6, but Elliot returned later that night and we went for a ridiculous walk downtown - I never before realized it was so populated with such a gross crowd of people. We then returned back to my house and Elliot drove back home, and the fun was over.
Anyhow, life's been treating me well lately, albeit an unfamiliar feeling of loneliness has been creeping up on me, but for now I can brush it off.
This weekend is Orlando Punk Fest at Blackbox. I will probably not attend, seeing as I may be out of town. If at all, I'll just go Friday. This Is For You Fest is also fast approaching - which I WILL be at. Also, I'll be setting my tent up in my backyard again around then - so if anyone cares to have some (sober, please) fun camping and such during those days, feel free to join.
Anyhow, here's what to look forward to this month, in flier form:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This house is
On the other hand, I discovered something I found really cool today. Tom Gabel (of you guessed it - Against Me! fame) had a band called The Adversaries before AM! which was totally, totally unlike Against Me! at all. If anything, they were very crusty sounding hardcore punk - even sounding akin to bands like Charles Bronson at times. REALLY good, nonetheless, and I'm not just saying that because AM! is my favorite band of all time. Download that shit here:
Anyways, I'm camping in my backyard tomorrow. Yes, I'm aware that's a very juvenile thing to do but I don't really give a fuck. It's fun.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lack Of Internets
As I may have stated, Chris and I spent the past Saturday in St. Pete hanging out riding bikes and meeting people, as well as reconnecting with old faces. We managed to take a few pictures as well:
It was a lot of fun. I can't wait to get out of Orlando again next month - to Miami!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tomorrow is Orlando Food Not Bombs, of course - come share food at Lake Eola park at the corner of Central and Osceola at around 5:00. I'll be there. Tomorrow is also is a semi band practice for Chris, Nathan, I, and maybe Tyler. I'm excited!
- Dylan
Monday, December 1, 2008
Getting away.
Sign I found posted on a pole on Edgewater on the way to school. No joke.
This weekend I will be returning to one of my favorite cities in Florida - St. Pete. I look forward to going back and getting out of Orlando. Lately I've felt the need to get away from here, as much as I love it. Hopefully all will go well and it will be just as fun as I look forward to it being.
In other good news, it seems I may be in a band now - sweet (as opposed to the one Wes and I may start too). The other night when Chris and Nathan came over we jammed a little bit jokingly playing power-violence sounding stuff that we made up off of the top of our heads. I did vocals, Chris played guitar, and Nathan drummed - on the floor. We actually ended up sounding pretty good, funny enough, so after some thought I brough the idea of being an actual band up to Chris who brough it up to Nathan. We all thought it sounded like a good idea so we asked our friend Tyler Legacy (yes, that is his real name) if he'd be down to play bass and he said yes. Sweet. I hope we can make it work despite living in different cities. Seeing as I'm not as into hardcore as the rest of the band and they're not as into crust and the like as I am, power-violence seems like a good medium. It will pretty much be the shit.
I've also recently discovered how much I fucking love Amebix - which should have been automatic anyways, but I digress. I've also discovered that i really like From Ashes Rise - I'm a sucker for melodic stuff, and theyre really kicking my ears' ass right now. "Nightmares" is a really good album, and I hope it doesn't get added to my list of "really good albums that i listened to once and forgot about".
One last note - I really wish there were other punks at my school.
I think it's time for a change.