Friday, November 28, 2008

Don't buy shit today.

I've spent the past two days - black Friday and Thanksgiving - at home "enjoying" my time with family cleaning the house and sitting at the computer. I am not attending Critical Mass tonight for the second time in a row - not by choice this time, mind you. Thanksgiving consisted of eating food that probably wasn't actually vegan despite peoples' claims that it was, and singing songs for people who didn't have enough courtesy to not leave in the middle of each song. I must suck really hard. Overall, I've felt very apathetic and hateful towards the world the past 48 hours. Once again it's a Friday night and the usual barriers I have as being an over-protected 17-year-old have been put up again.

On the bright side, I ordered some sweet patches from Microcosm Publishing last night (today, I buy nothing) and some people put in some bids for my ebay shit. I've been playing The Ergs! in my itunes after a recommendation from Daniel and I'm quite enjoying them (a lot), and I'm not a huge pop-punk fan. I've even added some ancient Green Day to my recent CD playlist. Happy music!

Now my feet smell like shit and I can't figure out why, and I'm really fucking hungry.

Can't wait to get out of here.

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