Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today's been a bad day.

First off, I didnt even leave town like I had planned. Life kicked in, in a bad way, and I was left staying home cleaning around my house and being angry about being the only posi personality in my house. It hasn't been too great - in fact, I could go as far as to say it's been the worst day in a few months. Fuck.

But, keeping posi, here's a few bright sides:

- Got to hang out with frenz Chris and Meagan, albeit for a short time because shit got lame again.
-Bought a new jacket from Goodwill, hopefully which I won't fuck up this time.
-Confirmed (?) band practice for tomorrow.
- Saw the new James Bond movie, which was really good.
- Am now eating corn chips and hummus, good combo.

Chris also gave me a pair of black Dogpile jeans, size 32 - a bit big for me. But it's the thought that counts, and seeing as I love Chris, it brightened my day.

I also looked into Amtrak fares to get to St. Pete over the upcoming Thanksgiving break. Not too expensive! Maybe the 24th or 25th? I'd dig that greatly, because I love St. Pete, judging solely on my last visit there.

I'll probably be home the rest of the night, which will suck. I'll just try and tune everything out.

1 comment:

nathan said...

we should go to st. petersburg together...i love a good train ride.